COMP Distribution
Daily Distribution

Total Distributed


Market Distribution

Frequently asked questions.

What is COMP, and why is it being distributed?

Compound (COMP) is an ERC-20 asset that empowers community governance of the Compound protocol; COMP token-holders and their delegates debate, propose, and vote on all changes to the protocol.

By placing COMP directly into the hands of users and applications, an increasingly large ecosystem will be able to upgrade the protocol, and will be incentivized to collectively steward the protocol into the future with good governance.

How does the distribution work?

Each day, approximately — COMP will be distributed to users of the protocol; the distribution is allocated to each market (ETH, USDC, DAI…), and is set through the governance process by COMP token-holders.

The table above describes how each deployment allocates the COMP Distribution to users.

As a user, what do I need to do to receive COMP?

When you use Compound to supply or borrow assets, you'll automatically begin accruing COMP; in the Market Distribution table above, you can see how much COMP is distributed by market and activity.

You can track and claim your COMP Distribution in the Dashboard.

I'm building an application; how should I design for the distribution?

COMP is only claimable by addresses that directly interact with the protocol (msg.sender), and that are capable of calling the claim function.

Developers building smart contract wrappers should design for this interaction, otherwise COMP will be unclaimed & inaccessible. If you have questions, join the Compound Discord and ask the community.